The Summer Campout

A fun family tradition to consider (or reflect upon, as the case may be) is the Summer Camping Trip. Growing up, camping was a frequent family activity, and we explored many a remote location stuffed helter-skelter inside a sweltering camper. While it was only after I moved up and out that my family settled on a location to frequent each year (a friend's cabin in the mountains southeast of home), camping was a big part of our family identity all through my childhood.

That being said, it may be a surprise to you that I do not particularly enjoy camping. I like hiking, and being outdoors, but the whole sleeping-on-the-ground and dirt-and-bugs thing (not to mention the whole peeing-in-the-bushes thing, a rare but unfortunate necessity at times) are definitely not at the top of my list of favorite things. For this reason, we don't go camping often, but we do go camping, and here's why:

Camping is a great way to encourage the members of a family to work together toward a common goal - your mutual comfort and survival. During the regular course of our busy lives, we rely heavily on modern conveniences to allow us to accomplish our many tasks, rushing through them to accomplish yet more tasks. Camping allows us time to slow down and reconnect in ways that are often not possible at home. We can learn a great deal about ourselves and our family members as we struggle and work together. We are forced to deal with discomfort, boredom, and inconvenience, annoyances that are often all too easy to avoid. We can learn cooperation, self-reliance, and tolerance. And, we can take the time to stop and look around us at this world that supports us, and cultivate within ourselves a gratitude for the infinite and universal wisdom of a plan that provides so much for us. For me, if I can spark a small sense of appreciation for the natural beauty and wonders of the world in the hearts and minds of my children, it is all worth it.

And, if nothing else, it's a great excuse to get really, really dirty once in a while! I am convinced that I never appreciate a long shower more than after I've gone without for a few days - heavenly!

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